Work with Drew

Andrew Steadman

Creator, The Military Leader
Former Military Aide to the President
John C. Maxwell certified speaker & coach
23+ years of speaking & leading experience
Work with Drew

Fellow's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for being here!

I'm Drew Steadman, a husband, father, and author with nearly three decades of leadership experience. You might know me from The Military Leader blog, book, and podcast, where I am committed to building better leaders in every profession.

Throughout my 23 years serving as a US Army Infantry Officer, I've had some amazing experiences! I got to work in the White House, I deployed around the world, and I've been fortunate to lead thousands of Soldiers. 

Along the way, I was thankful to have mentors who revealed two fundamental lessons:

  1. Personal growth is a lifelong process.
  2. Everything rises and falls on leadership.

Today, developing leaders is my passion and most important mission.

In 2014, I created The Military Leader blog to share my thoughts on leadership and give others leaders some insight to share with their teams.

Amazingly, the platform continued to grow, now with millions of pageviews, over 9,000 email subscribers, 175,000 podcast downloads, and thousands of books sold.

I've been humbled by the response and thanks to all of you who have plugged into The Military Leader community over the years!

I am also excited to be a John Maxwell Leadership Team certified speaker and coach. This means I get to deliver the training and teachings of the most influential leadership author and coach of our time, John C. Maxwell.

And in case you don't know, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership is a the #1 bestselling leadership book of all time. It's a game changer!

Now, let me ask you...does this sound familiar?

  • "I feel like I need to enhance my personal growth plan."
  • "I know that mentorship is important, but I haven't found a consistent and reliable mentor to guide me."
  • "My team could use inspiration and development, I just don't feel equipped to give it to them."
  • "Communication and speaking are areas I need to improve in, but I don't know where to go for coaching."
  • "I need some help getting my team to connect and collaborate with another."

If these statements sound remotely familiar...or even if they don't, but you feel like it's time to level-up your leadership...then I'd like to help.

I'd like to schedule a call with you to discuss how I can add value in any of these areas:

  • Leadership Coaching

  • Individual and Team Coaching

  • Mastermind Groups

  • Mentorship

  • Team Communication

  • Public Speaking

  • Personality Assessments using Maxwell DISC Personality Indicator

  • Military Leadership

  • Personal Growth

As a certified John Maxwell Leadership Team coach, you can trust that I will combine the best of John Maxwell's leadership principles with the most valuable lessons I have learned from nearly three decades of leadership.


The result...
insightful, inspirational coaching to help you and your team reach your leadership potential.

Are you ready to level-up your leadership?

Enter your first name and email, then tell me how I can add value for you and your team. 
I'll follow up on email and we can go from there!
You can also email me directly.

[email protected] • (719) 644-6064‬